We’ve already posted about our partnership with Heatherton Prep School. But we feel we MUST share more with you!

At the end of May, two members of the Kide team were lucky enough to make another visit to Amersham UK, the home of Heatherton Pre Prep (part of the Berkhamsted School group.) We spent two days in absolute awe of how they utilise Kide’s playful inquiry pedagogy across many areas of their curriculum and timetable.
For the past 6 months, Alison has piloted our lessons with her 4-5-year-olds. We watched a lesson plan in action, seeing how it was adapted to suit her own teaching style and the needs of her children. Alison has been amazed at how her children’s independence and inquiry skills have developed over this short time…
…so much so that playful inquiry has been rolled into the Year 1 and 2 classrooms! Now, all Heatherton pupils (up to the age of 8) have weekly opportunities to develop their hands-on science process skills so they can become ever-more independent investigators. All done, of course, through the exciting world of story, imagination, and play.
We enjoyed seeing lessons across this whole age range, especially noting how easily the lessons were adapted for different age groups, and how older children responded to the same activity in such different ways.

As a bonus, our visit to Heatherton allowed us to see how both children and teachers benefit from our pedagogy. After talking with many staff, we found out how our teacher platform and training have strengthened their knowledge of inquiry-based learning, and we even gave a PD session to subject specialist teachers, encouraging them to add an extra inquiry sparkle to their different subject areas.

Thanks for having us Heatherton!